breathing from cardiac attacks and that aqua ammonia or hartshorn is used today to a certain extent in indications similar to those mentioned. They use it as a stimulant, but when indicated the If we were practicing in the old-fashioned way and considered the wonderfully volatile nature of Ammonium carb. in some of its forms we should only look upon it as an agent to relieve fainting and simple affections and use it in the form of hartshorn to comfort old maids and some other women. But Ammonium carb. is a deep-acting, constitutional medicine, an anti-psoric. It effects rapid blood changes, it disturbs the whole economy and it establishes a scorbutic constitution. Its fluids are all acrid. The saliva becomes acrid and excoriates the lips, so that they crack in the corners and middle; and become raw and dry and scabby. The eye-lids fester and become dry and cracked from the excoriating fluids from the eye. The stool is acrid and excoriates. The genitals of the female become raw and sore from the acrid menstrual discharge and leucorrhoea, and wherever there is an ulcer upon the skin the fluids that ooze from it excoriate the parts round about, this excoriating character "belonging to all of the exuding fluids, and discharges. This remedy has bleeding of black blood, often fluid blood, that will not coagulate, flowing from the nose, the uterus, the bladder and bowels. The blood is dark, showing that a great disturbance is taking place in the circulation. The skin has a mottled appearance intermingled with great pallor. It produces a violent action upon the heart, in which there is audible palpitation, and every motion aggravates the pulsation. With this is associated great prostration. It is rather a strange coincidence that the ancients knew that Am. carb. would overcome difficultsingle dose very high is enough. The ancients knew enough, also, to use hartshorn in the low forms of pneumonia, at the turning point in the advanced stage; that is an old allopathic practice, but it had a homeopathic relation to some of the cases. Once in a while they would cure a patient in the awful stage of prostration with heart failure at the end of pneumonia, and because they relieved such a one it was then established as a remedy for all future use.