We shall find by examining the symptoms of this remedy that the intellectual feature predominates, as in the metal; that the affections are disturbed only in a limited way. There is a predominance of mental symptoms. First of all, disturbance in the memory, disturbance of reason; he becomes most irrational in his explanations of his actions and methods. He is irrational and does strange things and comes to strange conclusions; does foolish things. He has all sorts of imaginations, illusions, hallucinations. He is tormented in his mind by the inflowing of troublesome thoughts, and especially at night his thoughts torment him to the extent that he is extremely anxious, and this puts him in a hurry and in a fidget, and he goes out and walks and walks, and the faster he walks the faster he thinks he must walk, and he walks till fatigued. Strange notions and ideas and fears come into his mind. He has an impulse that he is going to have a fit or that he is going to have a sickness. A strange thought comes into his mind that if he goes past a certain corner of the street he will create a sensation, will fall down and have a fit, and to avoid that he will go around the block, he avoids going past that corner for fear he will do something strange. He is so reduced in his mental state that he admits into the mind all sorts of impulses. There is inflowing of strange thoughts into his mind, and when crossing a bridge or high place the thought that he might kill himself, or perhaps he might jump off, or what if he should jump off, and sometimes the actual impulse comes to jump off the bridge into the water. When looking out of a window the thought comes to his mind what an awful thing it would lie to jump out of the window, and sometimes the impulse comes to actually jump out of the window. There is fear of death, the over-anxious state, that death is near, and often at times like Aconite he predicts the moment he is going to die. Looking forward to times he is anxious. When looking forward to something that he is about to do, or that he has promised to do, or in the expectation of things, he is anxious. When about to meet an engagement he is anxious until the time comes. If he is about to take a railroad journey he is anxious, full of fear and anxiety and tremulous nervousness until he is on the car going and then it passes away. If he is about to meet a certain person on the street corner he is anxious and breaks out often in a sweat from anxiety until it is over with. Not only is this particular symptom present, but the symptoms come on as a result of his anxiety. He is excitable, angers easily, and as a result of this pain comes. When he becomes angry he becomes vehement and pain in the head comes on; cough, pain in the chest and weakness follow this anger. the anxiety he has from these circumstances will bring on complaints. When he is going anywhere, going to a wedding, or to the opera, or any unusual event, it is attended with anxiety, fear and diarrhea. So it is we have in this a wonderful medicine. It says in the text that he gave all sorts of queer reasons for his strange conduct, endeavoring to cover up, as it were, his foolishness which he himself realizes. Sadness, melancholy and confusion. Defective memory. The sight of high houses makes him dizzy, and his vertigo is increased or comes on from closing the eyes; with the vertigo there is buzzing in the ears, great weakness and trembling.