Allium cepa is used principally for "colds". There are various phases of these "colds", in the nose, in the throat, in the larynx in the bronchial tubes. The patient and all the phases of his "cold", his coryza, his laryngitis, his cough, all his complaints, are aggravated by warmth, are worse in a warm room, excepting the tickling in the larynx, which is sometimes aggravated by drawing in cold air. In this way the cough is sometimes excited by cold air, but the patient himself is better in cold air and sensitive to heat. Most of the symptoms are worse in the evening, the symptoms of coryza, the "cold", and the general symptoms. these are the two most striking general features of Allium cepa. It is not strange that the old ladies used to bind onions on the ear for earache and around the neck for sore throats, for onion is very frequently indicated in almost every climate for the effects of cold. Cold, damp, penetrating winds, in any climate, are likely to bring on Allium cepa complaints coryza, la grippe, influenza or whatever they may be called, and usually there is a congestive headache. Rawness in the nose, copious flow of water from the eyes, which is always bland; copious watery discharge from the nose, which is always excoriating. Rawness in the larynx and throat, extending down into the chest. Rawness in the nose. In twenty- four hours it reaches the larynx. Cough, excited by tickling in the larynx and when lying down at night in a warm room. On going to bed in the evening Allium has its most troublesome aggravation. I have heard patients describe the pain in the larynx on coughing, saying that it felt as if someone was reaching down with a hook at every cough. Tearing in the larynx with every cough. Sneezing, rawness of all the mucous membranes and that tearing cough, all symptoms worse in a warm room and in the evening; it is astonishing how quickly the onion will break up that "cold".