Aloe, much like < Aesculus, has a peculiar engorgement of the veins, causing stiffness and fullness throughout the body,but the greatest disturbance is in the veins of the portal system, with great fullness in the region of the liver, and abdominal, rectal and intestinal fullness. This is associated with hemorrhoids. It has abdominal pains that drive him to stool like Nux vomica, cutting, cramping pains around the navel. Pains about the navel that shoot down towards the rectum, cutting like knives. Dysenteric and diarrhoeic troubles. In the attacks of diarrhoea there is gushing of thin, yellow, offensive, excoriating feces, which burn like fire, and the anus is sore. He holds the stool with difficulty, does not dare take his mind off the sphincter because as soon as he does so the stool will escape. He cannot let the least quantity of flatus escape, because with it there will be a rush of feces. With the Aloe diarrhea the abdomen is distended with gas, causing a feeling of fullness and tightness. and he must go often to stool. Little ones. soon after they begin to walk, will drop all over the carpet, involuntarily, little yellow drops of mucus and faeces. The mother sometimes punishes the little ones, but they cannot help it, they cannot hold the stool, as it is passed involuntarily. There is a lack of control of the sphincter. This state is not always confined to diarrhea, because sometimes children will go around dropping, involuntarily, little, hard, round marble-like pieces of stool. They do not even know the stool has passed. There is relaxation about the rectum and protrusion of the anus, with bleeding piles. Every mouthful of food hurries him to stool; drinking water will often hurry him to stool. Diarrhoea from eating oysters out of season. You might be disposed to give Lycopodium, because in the text books poisoning from oysters is laid down under Lyc. I do not know that you would be justified in saying poisoning from oysters in season is Lyc., and out of season is Aloe, but there is a tremendous poisoning effect about oysters in the hot weather and in the breeding season that is not found at any other time. A great many people become nauseated, bloat up, purge tremendously, vomit everything for several days after eating oysters. Now, when that group of symptoms is present Lycopodium will cure it and will remove the tendency to get sick from oysters. But if you notice those who get sick have a cholera-like trouble from eating oysters in the hot season, you will find that that is where Aloe is the remedy. This remedy is not well proved. hence I have first referred to the things it is used for clinically. It is more nearly related to Sulphur in its venous condition than to any other remedy. If you study together, side by side Kali bi., Sulphur and Aloe, you will be astonished at their wonderful relation to the stomach and bowels.